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3889 dni, 2 godziny, 19 minut temu
20 lutego, 2013

Recently I've been coding some WCF methods and I've got a strange exception during WCF message serialization. I needed to send list of enums to the WCF service. There are couple of ways to do that. First solution is using [Flag] attribute to combine several enum values into one variable - but then you need to use powers of 2 for enum values. I couldn't do that because of the requirements and actual big number of that enums stored in current database. It would require writing and applying a lot of scrip...

[EN] Dominik Kopeć (domin8k): Serializing list of enums in .NET

Recently I've passed last exam required to obtain Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. Now I'm fully certified in web development in .NET framework. That wasn't my first meeting with exams from Microsoft and because of that I want to leave some comments about them. First of all I must say that preparation for some of them took me more time than I thought. That's because exams are testing knowledge in a very detailed way. In my opinion sometimes in too detailed way. Of course they should be diffic...

[EN] Dominik Kopeć (domin8k): Gaining MCSD - about Microsoft exams

Inne 3881 dni, 11 godzin, 13 minut temu 138 źrodło rozwiń

As I mentioned some time ago Microsoft is offering free 3 month trial account in the BrowserStack service. Because I'm currently working on application that should support variety of browsers including old IE versions (fortunately starting from IE7 only - not IE6) I've decided to give it a try. I must say that I'm really impressed about it. But first let me explain some more details. What is it It is a service that gives us a possibility to use almost every browser running on operating system of our ...

[EN] Dominik Kopeć (domin8k): BrowserStack

Narzędzia 4106 dni, 16 godzin, 1 minutę temu 50 źrodło rozwiń

Developers are mostly lazy. Nobody wants to do the same things every day. Doing the same activities can be very boring and non productive. Of course modern IDE should have multiple funcionalities that can improve speed of coding and development but it's really hard to satisfy all users at once. Below I present my favourite extensions to Visual Studio 2010. Working without them would be much slower and frustrating. This set isn't focused mainly to any of the Visual Studio project type but I've been usi...

[EN] Visual Studio 2010 best extensions

Narzędzia 4108 dni, 4 godziny, 51 minut temu 250 źrodło rozwiń

Visual Studio by default is showing a message when trying to attach to process. It is saying that: Attaching to this process can potentially harm your computer.  If the information below looks suspicious or you are unsure, do not attach to this process. Because I'm attaching many times a day it becomes really annoying. Couple minutes of googling and here it is the solution for disabling it: First you need to make sure that Visual Studio isn't running.Next you need to modify registry key depending on...

[EN] Disable attach security warning

Narzędzia 4110 dni, 15 godzin, 17 minut temu 44 źrodło rozwiń

Recently Microsoft did something really interesting. Everybody knows that Internet Explorer (especially older versions) shouldn't be even called a browser. But still Microsoft Windows is the most popular operating system used commercially and so their browser is. Every web developer  knows that making something to work on the IE is really challenging task. Microsoft learned a lesson in couple of recent years and wanted to repair their image in that field. Internet Explorer 9 and 10 aren't the best browse...

[EN] modern.IE

Narzędzia 4114 dni, 1 godzinę, 33 minuty temu 59 źrodło rozwiń